

Above the Sofa is designed to function as a behind the scenes advisor to you, the designer. We have a proven ability to intuit your aesthetic direction and suggest works of more significant and lasting value for acquisition. We provide the necessary education and all manner of documentary support to enable you to market important works with confidence to your client. By arming you with all of the pertinent materials, we can significantly enhance the overall total spend on works of art for the project.

We are also available for client facing presentations where preferred or as appropriate.


Whether starting from scratch, or refining and strengthening an existing collection, Above the Sofa advises on acquisitions made across all platforms. Our ability to discern and distill your taste and weave a compelling narrative through the art distinguishes our practice.

In the case of acquiring work directly from a gallery, our relationships with the leading galleries ensure access to important works of art on a priority basis. We negotiate on your behalf to ensure the best possible price for the work while providing comprehensive documentary support outlining why the work is a fit for both your client’s collection and, in our belief, is likely to hold or increase in value. For works of art appearing at auction, we function as an intermediary between you and the auction house, handling the details every step of the way.

Additional Services


Above the Sofa also assists with the disposition of existing works of art that no longer fit your client’s needs. Our founder’s art advisory firm, Beaman Delman Fine Arts, has handled several sales at auction on behalf of longstanding clients. Liz’s perspective after having worked at both major houses for nearly two decades makes her uniquely qualified to review competing proposals from multiple auction houses. Proposals can vary on auction estimates, terms of sale, sale plans, sale venues, sale formats and marketing, as well as the specialist teams in charge of the sale, all of which need to be strategically leveraged for the best possible outcome. Navigating this process with an insider’s knowledge has proved enormously valuable for our consignors and your client’s will appreciate your enhanced expertise in this arena.


Above the Sofa provides appraisals for all acquisitions made through the firm. Either directly, or in partnership with a vetted team of appraisal specialists, Above the Sofa can also furnish and update an appraisal for your client’s entire collection on an appropriate basis.

Above the Sofa - Services
